
  1. 如何使用Codable编码、解码对象;
  2. 如何使用JSONEncoderCodable对象变成Data对象;
  3. 如何将Data对象保存到文件系统中;
  4. 如何从URL(文件路径或网络地址)加载Codable对象;
  5. 四个编译器自动生成代码的protocol



struct Shape {
    var color: ShapeColor
    var type: ShapeType
    var isPicked: Bool

enum ShapeColor {
    case red, green, blue, none

enum ShapeType {
    case circle(radius: Double)
    case rectangle(width: Double, height: Double)
    case square(edgeLength: Double)




typealias Codable = Decodable & Encodable


/// A type that can encode itself to an external representation.
public protocol Encodable {

    /// Encodes this value into the given encoder.
    /// If the value fails to encode anything, `encoder` will encode an empty
    /// keyed container in its place.
    /// This function throws an error if any values are invalid for the given
    /// encoder's format.
    /// - Parameter encoder: The encoder to write data to.
    func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws

/// A type that can decode itself from an external representation.
public protocol Decodable {

    /// Creates a new instance by decoding from the given decoder.
    /// This initializer throws an error if reading from the decoder fails, or
    /// if the data read is corrupted or otherwise invalid.
    /// - Parameter decoder: The decoder to read data from.
    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws


struct Shape: Codable {
    var color: ShapeColor
    var type: ShapeType
    var isPicked: Bool

enum ShapeColor: Codable {
    case red, green, blue, none

enum ShapeType: Codable {
    case circle(radius: Double)
    case rectangle(width: Double, height: Double)
    case square(edgeLength: Double)


  1. Encodable:自动生成func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws
  2. Decodable:自动生成init(from decoder: Decoder) throws
  3. Equatable:自动生成static func ==(a: Type, b: Type),其中Type是对象类型;
  4. Hashable: 自动生成var hashValue: Int { get }

还记得typealias Codable = Encodable & Decodable吗?使用它,就等于使用EncodableDocodable两个协议。




通过自己编写func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throwsinit(from decoder: Decoder),我们就能控制输出JSON的内容和格式。比如,我们规定Shape输出成JSON时,需要满足以下几点要求:

  1. Shape.isPicked不应该出现在JSON中;
  2. 如果Shape.color = none,那么color字段也不应该出现在JSON中。

那么,我可以通过自己定义encode(to encoder:)init(from decoder:),满足上面的要求。

struct Shape: Codable {
    var color: ShapeColor
    var type: ShapeType
    var isPicked: Bool
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case color, type
    init(color: ShapeColor, type: ShapeType, isPicked: Bool = false) {
        self.color = color
        self.type = type
        self.isPicked = isPicked
    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        var container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        let color = try container.decodeIfPresent(ShapeColor.self, forKey: .color)
        self.color = color ?? .none
        try self.type = container.decode(ShapeType.self, forKey: .type)
        self.isPicked = false

    func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
        var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        if case .none = color {} else {
            try container.encode(color, forKey: .color)
        try container.encode(type, forKey: .type)



要将Codable对象变成变成JSON文件,需要用到JSONEncoder。顾名思义,它就是用来将Encodable对象编码成JSON的。它的用法很简单:创建一个JSONEncoder对象,调用其write方法,然后就可以得到一个包含JSON数据的Data对象了。注意在使用前需要import Foundation

import Foundation

let shape = Shape(color: .red, type: .circle(radius: 5))
let data = try JSONEncoder().encode(shape)



let jsonString = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)

// in the console: {"type":{"circle":{"radius":5}}}


try data.write(theURLWhereTheFileIsStored)



func getDocumentDirectoryURL() -> URL? {
    FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first


let theURLWhereTheFileIsStored = getDocumentDirectoryURL()?.appending(path: filename)


struct Shape: Codable {
    // ...

    func saveToFile(filename: String) throws {
        guard let documentDirectory = getDocumentDirectoryURL() else { return }
        let theURLWhereTheFileIsStored = documentDirectory.appending(path: filename)
        let data = try JSONEncoder().encode(self)
        try data.write(to: theURLWhereTheFileIsStored)

    private func getDocumentDirectoryURL() -> URL? {
        FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first



struct Shape {
    // ...

    init(fromURL url: URL) throws {
        let data = try Data(contentsOf: url)
        let shape = try JSONDecoder().decode(Shape.self, from: data)


import Foundation

struct Shape: Codable {
    var color: ShapeColor
    var type: ShapeType
    var isPicked: Bool
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case color, type
    init(color: ShapeColor, type: ShapeType, isPicked: Bool = false) {
        self.color = color
        self.type = type
        self.isPicked = isPicked
    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        var container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        let color = try container.decodeIfPresent(ShapeColor.self, forKey: .color)
        self.color = color ?? .none
        try self.type = container.decode(ShapeType.self, forKey: .type)
        self.isPicked = false

    func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
        var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        if case .none = color {} else {
            try container.encode(color, forKey: .color)
        try container.encode(type, forKey: .type)

    init(fromURL url: URL) throws {
        let data = try Data(contentsOf: url)
        let shape = try JSONDecoder().decode(Shape.self, from: data)

    func saveToFile(filename: String) throws {
        guard let documentDirectory = getDocumentDirectoryURL() else { return }
        let theURLWhereTheFileIsStored = documentDirectory.appending(path: filename)
        let data = try JSONEncoder().encode(self)
        try data.write(to: theURLWhereTheFileIsStored)

    private func getDocumentDirectoryURL() -> URL? {
        FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first

enum ShapeColor: Codable {
    case red, green, blue, none

enum ShapeType: Codable {
    case circle(radius: Double)
    case rectangle(width: Double, height: Double)
    case square(edgeLength: Double)